Monday, April 7, 2014

Introducing: "Le Brony Gourmet"

Ever wanted to see a Brony cook like a 5 star chef and teach you how to impress your friends with your new amazing culinary skills? If you do, I have the top notch cooking show for you. If not....I'm not sure what to say but, "it's here to stay weather you like it or not".

Anyways, this is the very first episode based on the very first recipe: Applejack. Feel free to comment and subscribe for more demonstrations to come. Also feel free to Facebook and Twitter the show to share to other friends. It might be in the way for future recipies for the site but I think that this is the best front step forward.

I also want to note that I would make a "remastered" version of the first episode in the near future. It is a little choppy and I do want to fix a few things but I'm still proud of my first try at a cooking show. Without further a-do, here is the first episode of Le Brony Gourmet.





Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Story of Opportunity Lost and A New Begining.

I want to share a story with all my readers of this site. I has been a while (as ussual) since I developed one of my recipies or have one of my "tweet-by-tweets" sessions on Twitter. But this story would explain everything that happened before the revival of this site to today where I am writing in my favortie Starbucks enjoying a grande soy cappuccino. This story is true in everyday and it was not as joyful as my other posts of the past,yet I feel as though that people must know about this strange journey I went through. The names of the producers and the company has there names changed to protect the identity of the innocent. This is my story of oppertunity denied in the harshest way.

It all started in November of 2013. I was still taking classes just to find a back-up plan for my life as my culinary career was not moving forward as I imagined. I saw this advertisement for a Food compition show comming to Chicago and they were holding auditions for contestants to participate. I decied to apply just to see if Channel X would respond to my unusual idea of combining ponies with the culinary arts. Channel X is a channel who's main audience was college level heterosexual men. It had many shows about manly things and a lot of programming that My Little Pony would never be in the same ballpark as them. I did the application online and told them everything about the Bronies, The Brony Chef Project, My dish based off of Applejack and I what I do for a living.

After a few days, I got a call back for an audition durring my Christmas break and in January I went to audition in the Northside of Chicago. I wasn't exactly proud of my audition but, I did feel like I did tryed and I could be confident about what I do on the project of MLP:FiM. After a few weeks, they said I made it in to the show and I was on my way for a new career in Food television.

I've spend 2 months training, practiceing and improving on my dish. I developed many statagies, invest in new equipment and a new wardrobe (that was very expensive) and invited freinds to see me cook and watch my new life unfold. I filled out all the paperwork, take time off of work to be on the show without pay, and spent so much time and energy to bring all my culinary skill and passion to the stage. I felt so happy, excited and proud to be a Brony. I even came out to my co-workers and they become so accepting of who I am. I was ready to be discovered and make my dreams come true.

Yet....that was never going to happen. On the night before my big day on camera, I got a phone call from the producer of the show and I was told I could not particiapte. I did not understand. Why at last minute did the producer cut me out of the show after all that hard work and dedication to start my new food star career on the right foot? I tried to say it was a mistake but, she said that there was too many competators and they must cut people. There reason was so vague that it felt like there was no reason at all. At first, it sounded like they were having financial troubles, but a strange deep down feeling I've had was telling me I was being discriminated for basing my dish on a show originally desined for little girls. I'm not sure if it was not true and it was all a misunderstanding: but the enthusiasm of her voice about the bad news of my misfortune did not help.

I was at work when this happened. I was mad, upset and felt like the door to my new begining was slamed to my face. I had to leave early from work to calm myself down and to recover of what I had left. I walked home cold in the moist April rain to lay on my bed and wondered what I did wrong. After drinking some hard apple cider and watching Faulty Towers, I felt better about myself. Yet, I felt like that whole time of practicing and investing myself into that one show was all for nothing.

Yet, I did not let rejection of Applejacks Skirtsteak and "Bucked-up" Apples destroy me. I picked myself up and I decided to start my own youtube channel. Right now it is still in the planning stages, but the ideas are solid and looking prosperous. I have the pilot of my new series all planed out and ready film by tomorrow. I could not reveal what the premis of this series is, but I can give you guys the title. Le Brony Gourmet.

I want to share this experience with you because I felt like it should be a lesson on how new ideas would not be accepted right away and success does not ride if you get in or not to popular media. I learned that you should never "sell-out" to big companies or T.V shows just to get noticed. For Culinary Artists and many other artists beyond that genere, true success comes from staying true to being who you are and never changing yourself just to get the fame. I now know that in order to become the best new food star, I must stay true to my art and produce my own show to offer what I do have and not what is popular at the moment. When ever a window of opportunity closes in on your face, there is always a sledge hammer to break through the walls and expand that opertunity.

I hope you enjoyed my story and I really hope you check out my new new show "Le Brony Gourmet" on youtube when it comes out. For now, I'll bid you all a-do and stay true to yourself.