Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Pledge of Sustainability

I have just came back from the Farmers Market in my neighborhood to gather my ingredients for the next post and I had a thought that I should make a pledge to use green, organic, and sustainable product.

I know that it maybe hard for me to go every time and to use ONLY local ingredients, but I do want to use as much local product as I can and discover new ways to use those products. Plus, I want to share my experience and knowledge of using local product to make unbelievable dishes for everyone to enjoy. So without any further a-do, here is the pledge.


The Sustainability Brony Pledge


I, Kyle Hedlund (AKA The Brony Chef), will promise to use: organic, green, local and sustainable product to use for culinary experimentation for The Brony Chef Project. Every recipe on this website must at least use 1 ingredient that fits the description of local and sustainable product. We also promise to not use any product that is made with chemicals or artificial flavors. We strive to not only give the highest quality product, but The Brony Chef Project is in full support of localization, green living and sustainability.

This is also an exercise for me as a chef. Most of the best restaurants in the world use local, seasonable ingredients to use the most of what is available and create something special. Using cheap product, such as beef tongue and seasonable produce, and transform it into something spectacular can really put his/her on the culinary map.

Although it doesn't mean that you need to spend a small fortune to get the best of the best. There are farmers markets that are affordable. Plus, there are vendors who know how to use every part of their product. In other words, they can give you the best advice on how to use their product and help you save money. Also Moderation is a good thing to remember in terms of buying product. You can still use the supermarket for your ingredients, but buying local is a really good idea.

That is what I wanted to share for today, but I'm not done yet.

I am still looking for artists to help me create some art work for the project. If you or anyone you know have any art work of any character you want to have featured, tweet me @chefkyro and look for me on Facebook to submit your artwork. Make sure you have the name of the artist and source, so I can give credit to them.

With all that out of the way, I can get back to enjoying my day off. See you guys around.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

News from the Chef #2

Since it has been a long time since I last updated (about 20 days ago), I should at least fill you in what I have been doing so far and explain why I couldn't update as ofter as I want to.

General: Lately I have been really busy with balancing with my 2 jobs and non-profit work with the Restaurant Opportunity Center of Chicago (ROC Chicago for short) to create recipes and experiment as often. Although, I have started to go to farmers markets recently to get seasonal and organic produce, cheeses and meats to support local farmers and produce. There will be more posts soon but I do need help in terms of artwork and other essentials to make BCP (Brony Chef Project) the one stop "Culinary Brony" website.

Artwork: Recently, I have been having trouble finding artists to help supply the artwork for my posts. Now I understand why you want to ask, "Why do you need artwork for a recipe website?"

To be honest, this is more than a recipe website. It is also a place were people can connect with Bronies, artists and foodies alike to enjoy and learn from each other. The Brony community is not just a collection of fans that isolate others who don't agree of what they do in there spare time. Most of them are artists, musicians and even chefs to share their passions with everyone who is willing to try something new and exciting. Although I am getting a little off topic.

I need artwork because it gives the visual reference of which character I'm talking about and compare it with the actual recipe. Most of my culinary education has been focused on presentation and execution. Most people can cook a steak and serve it on a plate but it takes true dedication and talent to make it look spectacular and mouth watering. Without the artwork, it just looks a little bland and for some readers they wouldn't know what I'm talking about.

In fact, half of my readers are either new to the fandom or never saw the show. I need art work to show them which character I'm referring to and to relate with that character to compare it with the recipe.

It does sound like a tall order and I don't really have a lot of money for commissions, but if you know any artists from deviant art that is willing to let me use their art or if you want to submit some art to be featured, feel free to leave a comment or tweet me @chefkyro.

Social Network: Speaking of Twitter and other social networks, I have decided to open up to expand my social presence over the internet to spread the word of the BCP. Recently I have joined in Myspace, Pinterest, Instagram and Cloudsdale to share my experiences of the culinary world. I have also opened up to using Facebook more often. If you want to see my progress with I'm doing, feel free to look for Kyle Hedlund or chefkyro for more.

For Cloudsdale, I am referred to as "The Brony Chef" and I occasionally jump from cloud to cloud. If you haven't used Cloudsdale before, it is really good for connecting to other Bronies through chat and there are a range of topics for programmers, artists, musicians or for people who just want to chat. It is the perfect iPhone app for anyone to connect with the community. Im also going to work on creating a cloud for the BCP but I still need to figure out how to reach to other people who are interested in joining.

That is all I wanted to share for today. The newest recipe is finished but I still need artwork to complete it. It is coming soon and I assure you that it will be spectacular. For now, I must study my Italian for tonight. Ciao everyone.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Brony Chef Project #15: Octavia

This the first post I ever did for a background pony. I want to tell you that this would be difficult to really explain what she did for the show and the fan base, since she only apeared in only two episodes. Although, it dosent mean that she is insignificant to the Bronies. In fact this is the perfect opertunity to talk about one medium of Brony culture that hasn't been discussed on here yet. But before we begin, allow me to introduce one of my favorite backgroud characters and a major influence to Brony music, Octavia.

The story of Octavia ussually differers from the various fan-fiction and musical poems but in terms of the show, she first appeared in the first season finale "Grand Galloping Gala." She was the cellist of a small ensemble in Canterlot at the time and appeared once again in Season 2 in "Sweet and Elite". Although the story didnt really end there.
After Octavia's appearance, she became a "fanon character" (See Chrysalis Post) and soon popularity spead of this sophisticated Canterlot earth pony. She was also part of a fanon duo with the electronic Dj unicorn known as Vinyl Scratch and started to develope a certain "classical style" of not only her music but with her temperment with life in general. She was considered as awkward and some what stuffy twords others that are below her social scale, but her passtion still burns like Beethoven's symphony No.5.
Yet there were times where she brake some of the rules that society placed before her. Sometimes she wants to break barrier but not become completely out of control as Vinyl. (future post coming soon) Although, as a fanon character, she does break boundries by becoming something she is not. I say that because before the internet, background characers become forgotten and never been seen again. Yet over the past decade, more and more caracters are getting more recognition not by the role they play in the show but by the inspiration they give to the fans.
A good example of this is through music. Most of the music that Brony musicians and artists create are mostly inspired by characters that have a "movable story" that is not static from the plot. Most of the music that is created tells different stories with very drastic contrast from other artists. Some peices of music might be calm and classical to describe her sophisticated background and passtion through music; while others might have a mixture of electronic and classical genres to show her innovation with Vinyl. Heres an example from the artist Yourenigma.

The music described mostly about about the "fanized" relationship of Octavia and Vinyl but the begining paints a pretty discriptive picture about where Octavia comes from. When the second part came in, it combined Vinyls innovative and punk like tenacity with Octavias smoothness to create a solid foundation of who they are as caracters. It really makes you think about how music can be made and heard by different people and how others interperate. Although enough about music. Lets get to the recipie.
The idea behind this recipie was mostly driven by the idea of passion. I have been obsessivly watching Kitchen Nighmares UK and trying to learn as much as I can from Gorden Ramsey. At first, I was afraid to even thinking about working with him, but after whatching his show and reading his books: I slowly realized that he truly expresses passtion for bringing good food to everyone. With that idea in mind, I decied to make Octavias dish a canvas were passtion can be expressed by technique and combination of certain flavors with classical flare.

Octavias Spring Chicken Risotto
Serves 4

1 1/4 cups of Arborio Rice
2 tsp of olive oil
Herb Infusted Broth
4 cups of Chicken Stock
1 Sprig of Rosemary
1 sprig of Cilantro
1/4 lb. of Shreded Chicken, Cooked
1/4 cup of Cilantro
2 Tsp of Chive
1/2 Red Bell Pepper, Diced
Pinch of salt

1. Combine the broth ingrideints in a bowl and place it in the fridge from 1 hour to overnight for maximum flavor.
2. Take the Broth out and transfer to a sauce pan. Make sure to remove herbs before boiling. Bring it up to a boil and then let it simmer.
3. Comibine all the base ingredients in a bowl and leave it on the side.
4. Take a large sautee pan and coat the bottom of the pan with the olive oil. Heat the olive oil on medium-high heat until warm. Add the rice to the pan and coat the rice in olive oil. (Make sure you read the instructions on the rice to check for proper cooking instructions.)
5. Add one ladle of broth to the pan and stir until the liquid is abosorbed. Keep repeating this step until you used up all the broth (15-18 minutes of continuous stiring).
6. Once the rissoto is al dente (to the tooth), add the base and stir until incorperated. Add salt and pepper to taste.
7. Transfer to bowls and garnish with slices of red pepper on top if desired. Serve.
If your intimidated by Risotto, it is really simple to do. Although, it does take concentration and patience to make it correctly. Just make sure to pay attention and you will be just fine. Its perfect for when you want to impress your family with your new cooking skill or make a hearty meal for your self after a long day. It also tastes good with red wine. (Note: you must be 21 or Older to drink wine.)
I would like to thank for the artwork. Interesting fact: She made this peice during a livestream for the Bronies in France. Pretty amazing work for a livestream. Check out her gallery for more.
I have to admit. It was a long post but thank you reading. I also want to tell you that I am on the Cloudsdale. (a social chat network for bronies to hangs out, chat and have fun.) I will be makeing a "cloud" for the project to take in suggestions and other news. So be on the look out for the Brony Chef Project on Cloudsdale that will be coming out soon.
You can also reach me on twitter @chefkyro and #bronychefproject for more. Thanks again for reading and enjoy the summer guys.