Friday, September 27, 2013

News from the Chef # 3

It has been too long since I last did a recipe, although instead of an explanation, I will simply tell you the truth.

Recently, I have returned to school to learn how to become an accountant. Now don't worry, I am not giving up on the BCP (Brony Chef Project) any time soon. I am simply make my life more sustainable to create more recipes and make everything easier for everyone. I will still be a chef, but not in the most conventional sense.

I am what most people call a "modern Renascence man." I dabble not only in cooking but also in many different arts, politics and sciences from time to time. So in a way, I'm not really giving up on my dream. I am simply revising it. Although, enough about me.

For news, I have deiced to reread, revise, and edit my past works. I have seen a lot of comments from Facebook about spelling errors and grammar issues. All new recipes would have to be in a halt until every post is revised to the highest quality possible. New posts will pop up once, I have got everything straightened out and more characters analized.

In other news, I have recently went to my first ever Brony Meet-up in Chicago for the first time. The group I was with are known as "The Windy City Bronies" and they are the coolest bunch of people I have ever met. We had a blast up in the Willis (or Sears, whichever doesn't get me killed) Tower and had a nice dinner filled with pizza and conversations with ponies. I met a lot of new friends and I like to thank them for letting me into their group with open arms. Thanks you. If you want to learn more about the many events they hold in the City of Chicago, feel free to follow the Windy City Bronies Facebook page.

I know I haven't been communicating as much as I like, but I am more serious about my writing, revising these recipies and meeting new people along the way to make this project the best it could be. I want to thank you for hanging in there and new material will come soon. This is Kyle Hedlund (AKA Chef Kyro) and Bon appetite, everypony.