Thursday, March 21, 2013

Don't worry, I am NOT Dead

For a while now, I haven't posted anything about the Brony Chef Project in quite awhile. The truth is I haven't been really inspired. With my new job and other responsibilities, its hard to imagine what possible dishes I can do and the cold Chicago winters does not help. In fact, I started to think that no one really reads this project and no one really cared.

But that changed, when a friend of mine told me that my project was "before its time". Even though its not popular now, it will grow and become something spectacular. I want to thank her for giving me that pep talk as well as to my readers (if you are still reading) for giving me a chance to share my creations for everyone and listening.

As for the project, I'm still a little lost with Applebloom but I heard a suggestion that I should use apple blossoms. They are edible and its the perfect time to get some with spring over the horizon. I thinking maybe a salad or biscuits but I'm leaning more towards salad. Plus I think the best way to go about it is to not really have a dead line. It causes stress and makes it difficult, so Im just going to create what inspires me. It will be random but I think it makes it special. As Mario Batali always says, "It's better to have small bites of something different then to have the same taste over and over."

Although, I do want to note, that does not mean I will become lazy with my posts. I'm just going to randomly make a new dish with new characters as they come. I already have the Mane 6 and the more notable characters, but now I think I will now create them as they appear so it would be more random then others. There are still going to be categories but they will appear in different times.

I am also trying to get more into social media, so feel free to follow me on twitter and Facebook if you wish. My twitter is @Chefkyro and My name is Kyle Hedlund. I am also thinking about doing some youtube stuff, maybe some cooking show featuring dishes I made so far. So keep a look out for it on my youtube channel, mrhellochicago.

That's all I really wanted to say for now. I just want to tell you that I'm still kicking. I was just taking a break to get my life together. See you around soon and make the world 20% cooler!