Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Pledge of Sustainability

I have just came back from the Farmers Market in my neighborhood to gather my ingredients for the next post and I had a thought that I should make a pledge to use green, organic, and sustainable product.

I know that it maybe hard for me to go every time and to use ONLY local ingredients, but I do want to use as much local product as I can and discover new ways to use those products. Plus, I want to share my experience and knowledge of using local product to make unbelievable dishes for everyone to enjoy. So without any further a-do, here is the pledge.


The Sustainability Brony Pledge


I, Kyle Hedlund (AKA The Brony Chef), will promise to use: organic, green, local and sustainable product to use for culinary experimentation for The Brony Chef Project. Every recipe on this website must at least use 1 ingredient that fits the description of local and sustainable product. We also promise to not use any product that is made with chemicals or artificial flavors. We strive to not only give the highest quality product, but The Brony Chef Project is in full support of localization, green living and sustainability.

This is also an exercise for me as a chef. Most of the best restaurants in the world use local, seasonable ingredients to use the most of what is available and create something special. Using cheap product, such as beef tongue and seasonable produce, and transform it into something spectacular can really put his/her on the culinary map.

Although it doesn't mean that you need to spend a small fortune to get the best of the best. There are farmers markets that are affordable. Plus, there are vendors who know how to use every part of their product. In other words, they can give you the best advice on how to use their product and help you save money. Also Moderation is a good thing to remember in terms of buying product. You can still use the supermarket for your ingredients, but buying local is a really good idea.

That is what I wanted to share for today, but I'm not done yet.

I am still looking for artists to help me create some art work for the project. If you or anyone you know have any art work of any character you want to have featured, tweet me @chefkyro and look for me on Facebook to submit your artwork. Make sure you have the name of the artist and source, so I can give credit to them.

With all that out of the way, I can get back to enjoying my day off. See you guys around.

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