Monday, January 13, 2014

The Road to Trot Con 2014: Introduction + Commitment

 Today is the day, I decide to start chronicling my progress and record any helpful tips and advice about attending my first ever Brony Convention. I choose Trot Con as my first because, since it was my first time going to a convention, I would have a taste of it before making plans to go to the official Brony Con next year.

 I wanted to share my experience for those who never really went to a convention or was curious about what a convention is really like and how to have the best time there. The information I come across would come from friends and over the Internet. If you wish to give some suggestions about what I should add on to this advice series, feel free to tweet me @chefkyro or with the hash tag #bronychefproject.

 While I'm on the topic of conventions or cons, I think it’s fitting that we get to the first topic for this series: Commitment. This would be a good first topic because; the first step that a lot people think about before planning a trip is the question “Am I willing to travel there?” or “Is it possible for me to travel?”
For tons of Travelers, for business or pleasure, they must take that first step of deciding to go based on how committed they are to make the journey. 

 For casual  convention goers, the kind of commitment is more like a reward to enjoy what services that conventions might offer. For people with small businesses or artists, it could be an opportunity to show their product or their work to a particular audience and be discovered. No matter how you attend every convention, it’s always important to stay committed to going there and take responsibility for getting there.

 There will be challenges and loops to get to your goal of attending any convention, Brony and non-Brony alike. Con goers might have to save money and spend some time planning what they are going to do there. Yet, when you go through those doors and finally made it to that one convention you always dreamed about going; it is completely worth it. So, my first advice I give to any convention goer as myself is that if you are committed enough to reach for that goal of attending  your first or favorite convention, the reward would be that much sweeter.

  As we dive deeper into the series of The Road to Trot Con, we would explore many other topics about planning, budgeting, meeting your favorite celebrities and many other topics relating to con planning and how you can make your convention experience an enjoyable one. I will try to update at least once a week leading up to Trot Con 2014. Also during the convention im also going to update my experience there to give you more of an insight. It could be more of a vlog type of mini-series but I still have a lot of time to think about it.  

   You can follow me on twitter @chefkyro or on Facebook to see updates and leave any other suggestions of topics you think I should cover. Also, don’t be afraid to comment. I’m open for comments. For now, I will bid you all a-do and see you next week.     

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