Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Brony Chef Project #1: Applejack

This is actually the first recipe for this project I tested for The Brony Chef Project. It took some planning and careful observation but, I think I go my first successful creation. This recipe is the perfect excuse to bring the grill back outside in the fall air to have that last taste of char of the grill.

Applejack is an earth pony who is an apple farmer on the beautiful Sweet Apple Acres in the small town of Ponyville. She is the most down to earth and the honest one of the Mane 6. She is always truthful, hardworking, and faithful to anyone who needs her. 

Applejack is also one of the most athletic of the group of main characters. Her legs are renowned as one the strongest in all of Equestria. Sometimes she does burn out from working too hard but her strength of years of apple bucking, makes her one of my favorite characters of the show. Oddly enough, she resembles myself as part of the hardworking workforce of the culinary world.

As for the recipe, I deiced to take somewhat of southwestern approach to Applejack since she is rustic in nature. It is very simple and very easy recipe who wants to learn how to grill. You can prepare everything ahead of time and makes a great meal for get together and meet ups a-like.

Applejack's Skirt steak and "Bucked-up" Apples

Serves 4 or 12 strips and 8 apple half's

Skirt Steak

1 lb. of Skirt Steak

2 cups of Apple Juice

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

a sprinkle of nutmeg

a dash of chili powder

Bucked-up Apples

4 apples, cored and cut in half

4 strips of bacon cut in half

2oz of Crumbled blue cheese or Gorgonzola

Juice of 1/2 a lemon

1. Place Skirt Steak in a 4x4 container or a large plastic bag and combine the apple juice and spices to create the marinade. Pour the marinade in the container or bag and let the steak marinate for a minimum of 4 hours or over night wrapped in tin foil or plastic wrap.

Applejack's Apple Marinated Skirt Steak and "Bucked-up" Apples
2. While the steak is marinating, take the cored ,cut apples and poke 6 small indents on the inside part of the apple slice. (These would work as an access point for the bacon fat to seep into the apple). Squeeze the lemon juice on to the apples to prevent browning and store them in the refrigerator for later.
3. Prepare and heat up your grill 15-30 minutes prior to grilling. Refer to the instructions in your grill instruction manual for proper heating instructions.

4. Once the steak is done marinating, remove the steak from the container and shake out any excess marinade to prevent flare ups on the grill. Set it aside on a separate plate until your ready to grill.

5. Grill the steak on both sides until the steak has a deep, caramelized brown color or until desired doneness. Once the doneness of the steak has achieve, place the steak on the side and let it rest at room temperature for 3-5 minutes for the juices inside the steak to lock in the moisture. 

6. For the apples, cook the bacon in a pan until the bacon to released the fat. Remove the bacon on the side when bacon is fully cooked. Place the strips on a plate lined with a paper towel.

7. Place each apple skin side down on a baking sheet and place the bacon strips in the middle of the apple slice. Sprinkle the cheese on top of the apple (as little or as much as you want).

8. Set your oven broiler to medium or to medium high and broil your apples until the cheese melts and the bacon is crispy. (About 5 minutes, depending on your oven)

9. Ounce the apples are done, cut the skirt steak into strips and serve with the apples.

You can also make the apples separately to make a hearty appetizer or just cook the steak to make a nice beef sandwich.

 The inspiration for the steak was to represent Applejack's earthy nature. The skirt steak can be tough at first, but with a little time and hard work, It can become nice and tender. As for the apples, its an obvious reminder of her passion for apples and to give it the hardiness of Applejack's determination. It is perfect for this time of year when the whether is becoming cooler and the harvesting season for apples are in full swing. So if you have a who bunch of apples and in the mood for beef, Applejack's Skirt steak and Bucked-up apples is just the thing you need for the cool whether and crisp air.

Well this the first post of the Brony Chef Project. Tell me what you think and leave a comment below or on Facebook. Just look for Kyle Hedlund.

I want to Thank to ~Br0ny on Deviant Art for letting me use his artwork for this post. Here is link to his art page: Check it out, he is really talented.

For now I bid all of you a-do, and to enjoy the skirt steak and apples.

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